
Year 10

The 18porn provides students with two study options in their senior years of schooling, Year 11 & 12. These programs of study are the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) incorporating VET or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

For full information on both courses please refer to the corresponding handbook, found in the Resources section of this page. Year 9 students are expected to make a preliminary choice on which pathway they will be pursuing mid-way through Term 3.

Students in Year 10 at 18porn participate in a three-year senior program. This curriculum program has been designed to meet the diverse educational needs of our students and to provide each student with a stimulating and valuable learning experience.

All students will undertake work placement as part of the Year 10 Careers Program. This is designed to help students explore career options and promote job-seeking skills. Students are required to find their own work placement. Work placement is for one week and takes place during a designated week in the Term 2 holiday break.

All students will also participate in a Community and Service Program under the CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service Certificate). Students are required to be involved in activities both as individuals and as part of a team that take place in local, national and international contexts. CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development as well as their social and civic development through experiential learning. CAS supports students in achieving a counterbalance to the academic challenge of the rest of their study program. All students will receive a CAS Certificate from the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) at the end of Year 12.

Features of the Year 10 Program

  • Students will complete seven subjects (in addition to classes in Physical education, careers and Quran & Religion) and are expected to select subjects for the duration of the year.
  • All students must select one Year 10 English and one Year 10 Mathematics subject based on their preferred pathway of study (VCE or IB).
  • Science and Humanities are compulsory.
  • Students will have the opportunity to undertake a VCE and a VET unit if they can demonstrate academic potential and a commitment to the study.
  • IB students must choose Unit 3 & 4 Extended Investigation.
  • Students who wish to pursue an IB Diploma pathway must choose a language of study subject.
  • All acceleration will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • All students in the senior years will sit mid and end of year exams.
  • All Year 10 students will participate in the community & Service Program CAS.
  • All Year 10 students are required to complete at least one week of work placement.
  • Students will be equipped to pursue the VCE or IB Diploma Programme at the end of Year 10.



Year 10 Curriculum

Pre-VCE and Pre-IB Diploma will begin in Year 10 for all students.

Some students in Year 10 will be part of the Student Enrichment Program (SEP).

• Units 1 & 2
Foundation English
• VCE Units 1 & 2 Foundation Maths• Biology• Economics & Business• Health & Human Development 1 & 2 • VET Cert III Sports & Recreation• Quran
• Units 1 & 2 Bridging English & Thinking Skills• General maths 1 & 2• Chemistry• History• Visual Communication & Design 1 & 2• VET Cert III Laboratory Skills• Islamic Studies
• Advanced English & Thinking Skills• Higher Maths• Physics• Global Politics• Extended Investigation 3 & 4• VET Cert II Information & Communications Technology• Leadership Careers & Pastoral Care
• Advanced Maths• Psychology • Legal Studies• Business Management 1 & 2• VET Cert II Applied language: Arabic• Physical Education
• Industry & Enterprise 1 & 2• VET Cert II Business
• Text & Traditions 1 & 2
English (Australia)